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Helping amazing women step into their power!




As a successful professional woman, I've had lots of different jobs, progressing and seeking out new challenges. Often this was on a backdrop of a great deal of change - personnel, structure, merger and corporate identity.


I also became a mum in this time, 3 times over. Both work and motherhood were fundamental to my identity, but increasingly the two seemed to conflict and the job I loved changed so significantly that I felt a little lost. In many ways, the recent pandemic was a blessing to me. Disrupting my life as I knew it and forcing me to face what was really important to me. I want to help other women to reconnect with their whole self and recognise their unique greatness.


Life can feel daunting and cataclysmic at times. With coaching alongside me, I have found that identity and how we see ourselves is fundamental. With so much change, we can easily lose sight of our connection with self. I dove deep and found my element and decided to embrace my power to find my own balance and harmony. This learning led to me leaving my job and Into Your Element Coaching was created.


Now, I am here to support other women to harness their innate power and move into their own element, one at a time towards social change.


As women, particularly if we have responsibility for others - kids, parents, a team - one of the things we're often told is to make sure that you're taking time for yourself and filling your own bucket. Sometimes we even get the added wisdom of what that should look like... but look like to who? Usually it's what the advice-giver sees as important or a message they've picked up from somewhere else.


I'm not here for that. I'm here to support you to discover or reconnect with what it is that you need and then work towards embracing that in your life to find greater balance and more fulfilment.


Women are a powerhouse in the world and I truly believe that the world is slowly changing to recognise this. Be part of the change and step into your most whole and powerful self.

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Professional women

Things are generally going well, but you want more and know you have so much more to give, both to yourself and the world. You're ready to commune with yourself and trust the greatness that is in your future.



No matter how far along the motherhood journey, take the time to reconnect with all that you are and all that you are yet to become.



Setting the scene for you to enter motherhood with clarity and an expansive heart and mind.

- Get Clear Where You're Going -

If you're ready to start saying, 'I matter' and want to move towards clarity, greater balance and connect with your potential, try this free coaching tool to see what you find.


Deeper self discovery starts here.

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